I guess it helps to have a battle plan, a structure, a goal, with that in sight I need money to fund my adventures. I pray that I end up in a decent office, with a least one good person around me, someone on my wavelength, these places can be unfriendly to people like me, they sense I don't belong, the know I find the work dull and tedious.
The last job I undertook was for a few months in the build up to Christmas, I was 'between jobs' (skint and had enough of interning), I worked with two other secretaries, there wasn't a great deal of work and the department was restructuring, the induction was rubbish and I sat around waiting to be told what to do. We were trapped in the corner of an already empty office, surrounded by hot desks, it was grim. It was around the time of the crash, in the peak of the recession, people were being laid off left right and centre and there was me, temping. One secretary took a shine to me and we would put the world to rights over a cup of tea. However like all good tales there was a villain and that took the rather rounded shape of a secretary not dissimilar aesthetically or vocally to the late great Jade Goody R.I.P. She was young, modest in intellect and wasn't too happy about the potential threat to her attention levels. Bids for attention had two main threads (along with several splinter subjects, all essential and thoroughly important) ordering clothes from Next Directory, receiving such items, discussing fit and function at great length, the delay on the nest delivery and so on. And second to none 'her Kevin' that's 'my Kevin' to you, an older, rather unattractive and slightly problematic boyfriend, when I say problematic I mean co-dependent. 'My Kevin is gonna cook me sausage and mash for tea, My Kevin has just canceled he's out boozing with his mates, My Kevin wants me to pick him up but he's drunk, I best do it if I want to stay at his tonight, I have to see him everyday'. Listening to her was painful, smiling and nodding when I just wanted to ram the size 14 boob tube down her neck complete with tags and plastic wrapping.