Terrible internet (dongle? Don't ever get one, waste of time) was the main protagonist for my Australian absence, that and my wallowing (ever-so-slightly) from fear of having something useful to write. Yet all is well in sunny Melbourne - modest 27 degrees today. I was up until late last night constructing a rather grandiose return to the web, a sprawling synopsis of my adventures in China. Halfway into the piece I became so overwhelmed by the task I panicked and froze. Perhaps a more lighter palatable return is best, baby steps, bit of reading - Fear of Flying, Two Novels of Mexico & Wild Swans - remind myself how to spell, get into the routine. So forgive me if my contributions fall to the fluffier, lighter side of the track, I am merely reminding myself of the process.
This is my new home I share it with two Australian men, here I can explore the nuances in the species, how/if they differ from the English variety. There are two hot next door neighbours, on first encounter one appeared in a fetching pair of short shorts (that was it), I like Melbourne.
Despite all my efforts I have failed to secure a job as yet perhaps my interview on Monday will prove fruitful. I have however received press accreditation for Golden Plains (Meredith) this year, I heart Australia.

My clothes finally arrive on Tuesday after six weeks of living out of backpack full of winter clothes I shall finally be free to wear flimsy summer garments. Fortunately 40 degrees with a great selection of jumpers has lead me to actively dispel the internal myth that anything fashionable vintage wise is hard to come by. With an excellent charity shop next door, clothes being left in piles on the street and garage sales appearing weekly I have been fastidiously stockpiling awaiting the right pair of shoes or cycling shorts to complete the look. I love Brunswick.

Hey Martina, I am going to Golden Plains too! we should totes Rendesvouz!
Hey Nicky, dam it, I've only just seen your post. How was your experience?
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