Tuesday, 11 June 2013

New Beginnings Are Wonderful

I've been busy, obviously not on this blog, but busy working out where my future lies.  To do that I've returned to the past, to my childhood and pulled out the memories that gave me the most pleasure and transferred that into something I would like to do as an adult.  It's a straight forward logical formula - I do hope it works.  Fashion or rather playing with clothes has been part of my life forever, I cannot image anything giving me more pleasure.

To that ends I've began a more specialised blog exploring the uncharted world of life on a shoestring, it happens all around us, everyday, but nobody really acknowledges it, how so many people (especially my peers) manage to look good whilst living on peanuts.  They are not popping into Chanel or Prada everytime they want an outfit for a night out in Dalston, or flicking through Hello looking to emulate the Kardashians, in a warped quest for porn star ideals (fake tan, fake boobs, fake hair, fake lashes - okay well maybe the last two now and then, but everything in moderation).  They are the true fashion movers, the people who invent new style - making best of charity shops, car boot sales, vintage stalls, clothes from friends, clothes left over/donated from shoots, clothes given to them in payment for fashion jobs, with dashes of high street, mainstream vintage and (if they are really lucky) the occasional designer piece.  Throwing two fingers in the face of aspirational living, with creativity exploding from the confines of austerity, recognising and celebrating the inspiration that comes from every angle of every day upon this earth.

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