Wandering the streets of London on route to Bob Bob Ricard (more to follow) for afternoon tea we stumbled across a magnificent mane of hair hanging out of a the window of a
riflemakers shop nee gallery. This whimsical installation from French/Algerian artist, Alice Anderson is part of the Time Reversal series, which runs until 24th April.

Inside is a weave gone wrong creating giant cobwebs of a ginger hair, down the creaky stairs is an enchanting if somewhat sinister video piece about a girl that turns into a doll, the set is fantastic and the costumes marvelous, it kinda fits together from whichever point you begin watching. Anderson left England and her father and moved to France with her mother as a child and was forbidden to talk about him again. The play on rejection and blurring of fiction and non-fiction highlights the confusion in remembering events which happen at a young age. The whole of three floors are utilised, upstairs providing room for accompanying sculptures and etchings. The macabre elements cast my mind back to an old boyfriend whose mother used to collect dolls, you would enter the living room and be greeted with a sea of eyes observing your every move. One of the stronger pieces is a wax work construction of Anderson's face, delicate freckles sit sparsely upon a pale complexion, accented by ginger brow and lashes.