Perhaps I'm tempting fate by blogging about it, yet with the oversaturation of London Fields I find myself looking further afield for unspoilt fun and creative inspiration. My return to the vibrancy of East London was complimented initially by the massive bonus that comes from being beside a park - one which has provided me with many happy memories. That said, I have hardly spent any time on the green grass beside my home, it's not as I remember, it feels evermore overpopulated than it was; bulging with try hard hipsters. Perhaps my time away has forced me to grow up a little, maybe a combination of the two. During my ten month absence the desire to be 'seen' in London fields appears to have spread further than Hackney, it now pulls in people from across London and has become part of the tourist route. Whilst breakfasting at La Bouche on Broadway last Saturday, I tried with vigor to consumed my artichoke baguette as discreetly as possible masking the crumbs as they fell from my mouth. It was difficult to know where to look as photographers documented everything in sight. The gradual influx of tourists and hipster seekers may be a positive thing - the market is now expanding round the corner into the local playground, thus providing extra income to the local school, bonus. Yet, as I wander to the far end, near the canal, I note the-out-of-character stalls dishing up trashy MSG ridden food - the air is polluted with the smell of obesity -quality has given way to commercialism. I question whether the little piece of Farmers Market serving honest albeit pricey treats on my doorstep is in danger of turning into dilluted camden market style offering of capitalism. Another indicator of the shift in trend is the The Dove pub which now operates a toilet token system, signs have appeared outside the Pub on the Park in a bid to deter toilet users. Where will those caught short go? Add to that the question of damage to the surroundings from the sheer influx of people, the melting pot is starting to look as dirty as dish water. Perhaps you've caught me on a bad day and my opinions might change, but in the meantime I'll be heading over to the nearby Victoria Park, with it's vast expanse of fields, water and cute lakeside pavillion there are many places to escape the madding weekend crowds and there camera glares.