Before the expansion of the east London line Deptford market and the delights of New Cross seemed slightly unobtainable - a tiresome trek negatively imbalanced. Yet on a rainy Friday Sarah and I decided to investigate. To our delight the overground remained pristine and speedy, upon arrival the grey skies applauded us with a light sideways shower. Seeking refuge in a cute train cabin cafe with inventive vegetarian dishes; where we debated the finer points in life. We stumbled upon a slightly grubby and charmingly random shop with an eccentric occupied by an eccentric save cantankerous attendant. On offer were a random array of foodstuffs and toiletries. I went for glass jarred items only, once I was sure they were in date and left pleased with my cut price larder.
On the main strip is the rather wonderful Bearspace gallery (once an old pub), inside, a considered selection of art fastidiously arranged for the maximum space/impact ratio. The invigilator’s dog (a cute shaggy yappy type puppy) merrily sought us out as playmates, helping himself to my belongings, including my wet brolly comfortably locked in his jaw, dragging them across the floor, stopping only to chew the freshly painted plinth. God I wish I were that dog.
We never quite made it to Deptford market as it was practically closed by the time we hauled our slovenly arses down there. Instead we scratched the surface of the notable art scene; home to Goldsmiths the area is brimming with galleries, as the rain did its worst we ran for the cover of the tube. Check out the Deptford Art Map for prompts on where to go.

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