Not only do you find old pairs of shoes on most street hung over power lines as a massive non-committal statement, birds, by the dozen, or in this case hundreds can be found too, there must be an abundance of bread somewhere.
I'd forgotten how much I loved the taste of mince pies, silly me, I had a whole winters worth of catching up to do.
What I would like my retirement to look like.
The bird seemed indignant in the face of so many tourists, here is my rock, my family has been here for many centuries. Great posture.

Sydney antiques centre, full of a billion things you would like to one day own, with hefty price tags attached, no sales people harassing you either, a fantastic hangover experience.

Domestic flights in Australia, minimal security checks, I smuggled, unintentionally so loads of sewing needles in my hand luggage, my ID never saw the light of day, as nobody asked me to confirm who I was throughout the trip. Australia, the land of non-terrorists.
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