I very nearly forgot about this exhibition until I stumbled across the photographs from the opening. It was produced in conjunction with Urban Outfitters the American fashion retailer with a quirky slant, bent on increasing their brand awareness within Australia. Whether it’s to promote their online sales (UK brand ASOS have massively increased sales to Aus by offering free shipping) or they are planning to open a store here (as opposed to Sydney) in the coming months remains to be seen. Either way they spent some cash gaining taste maker kudos, they enlisted Three Thousand/Right Angle Studio to co-promote the exhibition which features 10 up and coming fashion photographers, each with their own style and varying degree of success. The after party/warehouse rave was quite a big affair, I signed up thinking it was a $10 entry job, arrived paid no entrance and was treated to a free bar. It reminded me of the squat parties I used to attend in London (there was only two toilets - however at least these had running water). The club eventually became the toilet queue which was highly amusing, alcohol and weeing go hand in hand. Dear Patti Smith Gallery, Collingwood was home to the smaller art based fronting of the evening, each photographer displayed one massive print, I wasn’t blown away. Perhaps I was missing some information, however I was a little broken from a heavy week, so didn’t hang around too long to find out. My complimentary Rekordelig cider took me up Smith Street and halfway home, maybe the photographers (and more of their work) will reappear at some point.

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