OK, so if you don't go out in Dalston much then you would be forgiven from not knowing the name of the grey pub at 438 Kingsland Road, formerly home to a batty old lady with a very severe door policy (known to switch personalities mid way through the evening and in bouts of paranoia eject random revellers, from crimes such a leaning on the pool table and asking for a drink that was no longer in stock). Anyway, those days are long gone now, although the
Sunday Night Jazz remains to the delight of the Dalston jazz set, which notably maintains an impressive crowd to rival friday and saturday nights. '
The Haggerston' remains unmarked and in disguise, trying to keep a low profile, yet failing miserably as the spotlight ever focuses on the buzz that is Dalston. With a range of nights on offer to cater for the most demanding of music connoisseurs, highlights include She'll hurt you in the End, Season of the Bitch, Back to the Future and ADDDJ's details of which can be found on its
facebook group, steer clear of Onomatopoeia though, the DJ is a jumped up, self obsessed gremlin with the spirit of the evil old lady of Uncle Sam’s trapped inside him.