It was with a weary head I returned home to Bristol today, straight into work allowing little time for post Berlin blues. I shall prepare for the imminent return to London and the partying that will ensue, by briefly washing and noting the past weeks escapades, for they are plentiful.
But first I must draw back to an unreported incident, one which has provided a strong highlight to the Bristol calendar thus far. A Thursday or two ago Thekla played host to Flying Lotus and Starkey, the night 'colours' is the baby of Saul of Monkey! Knife! Fight! fame (M!K!F!) have been successfully hosting parties for many years. After a djing tour of Thailand, Saul is looking to concentrate on curating the right artists - Flylo and Starkey are testament to the new direction.
Starkey after witnessing him in action and not really knowing the full extent of his prowess prior to the evening I was markedly impressed with his selection of sounds and the diversity and power of the tracks his dropped. Energetically humping the DJ console keeping time, he was in his zone and the crowd was vibing. Good work from the boy from Philly, well maybe I should say man, he is married after all.

The night was taken to another level when we took Flylo and Starkey to Star & Garter* for post gig drinking, it was Dutty Ken's and bizarrely Starkey's birthday, we shot pool and discussed the finer points of life.