Saturday brings a very novel experience, my first Jamaican/Nigerian wedding; I wait with baited breath for the visual feast in store. A glimpse into a culture of pattern and colour - the brighter, more flamboyant, the better. Whether the traditional costume or a more modern European influence will play president I do not know. One element I’m more certain about is the foods will undoubtedly represent a rich diversity of continents; the tradition is for many people to arrive with food for the feast.

Although the Wedding will be the main focus of my day it also clashes with two friends birthdays and a friend’s performance, fortunately all three will take place at the same location, Victoria Park, Field Day. The line-up is phenomenal - in fact it will be impossible to see even a fraction of acts that have caught my interest. I guess as with all festivals I will have to go with the flow… Sparks are flying for Mount Kimbie, The Fall, Egyptian Hip Hop and of course the infamous Boom Boom Club and the delightful Kitty Bang Bang.
By now my head is spinning, alas the day ain’t over yet, Arthur and Albert magazine which I’m involved in are holding an incognito fundraiser with live music, free daytime BBQ and post Field Day rave up. Bounce promises to be an extra special event with two nights coming together to deliver a hybrid of party sounds. Further information can also be found here. If you are interested in coming along drop me an email and I can put you on a cheap list.