The original family whippet, Clem, oh and my brother Alexander.
I've reached the eve of my oldest sister's wedding, I find myself in the muggy bedroom of my niece (brothers side, aged two) nestled in her bed, I'm too scared to move in case I whack my knee on the weird contraption which adorns the side. I've returned from walking an excitable whippet called Sally with a penchant for licking and eating anything within reach, I mean anything. The late night stroll proved pretty uneventful save the detour which took us down the side of the dual carriage way's steep incline in flips flops, minimal lighting and tall grass. I did however experience something every dog owner should hopefully encounter - armed with a dog mess bag, I scooped up warm dog do - my only protection the wafer thin wall of plastic, soon to be inverted and knotted, I watched the steam appear inside. I count three new sensations in one evening, wedding eve, man handling of dog mess and sleeping in a bed belonging to a two year old... it's pretty rock and roll from hereon in...
Seeing as I'm feeling nostalgic, here are a few family photos of those unable to join us tomorrow.. alas there presence will be missed...

Grandma Verhoeven

Grandad Verhoeven

Auntie Pat
On a lighter note a family wedding photograph from the 80's, my sister the bride-to-be is the tallest of the three pinkies...

Auntie Katrina's wedding circa 1984/5... note cousin Gerard in the shorts, tee, sock and sandals combo, pretty strong...