Fortunately the lake was still in place, as was the pagoda although this time seriously oversubscribed with a massive wait to get onto (we commando style climbed over the fence one night as the queue was so severe). The events capacity had increased into another large camping field, which had a knock on effect as to the amount of people trying to get into more popular areas - which remained the same size. There were however a growth in tents to counteract this, yet some remained fairly unpopulated throughout.
The camping crew - Jess, Matt & (new girl) Indi. Jess calls me at Friday at 9pm, 'I'm inside where are you?' Weeks ago there was talk of her coming, but not a snitch since, needless to say her surpise arrival caused a massive boost in the already positive moral.
Swimming in the lake was monitored this year and was a civilised affair, the weeds ruled the water and had a definite touch of Ophelia about them - although this picture suggests a more comedic element.
Taken about 9am on the Sunday morning, we'd been scaling the den for hours and decided to retire to the comfort of the lawn and the distraction of the impressively loud mobile sound system. Glancing up we note a boy, he's wielding a giant sheep and surreptitiously launches it off the citadel, glorious.

For those unfamiliar the suicide Olympics it's a series of games set around a hill it's aim - to get down the hill quickly and in one piece. My favourite was the use of plastic sheeting, water and fairy liquid creating a giant albeit dangerous slide. We winced as we watched Matt going down in a wheelchair, it's 10am, he's wearing no bottom's and hasn't slept for two days.
A journey into the psychedelic and an daytime passed, we board a rather beautiful 1950's Ferris Wheel. It's just the three of us, we squeeze into the carriage and the ride begins. This moment suspended in the air high on life, looking out at the world is easily the most paradisiacal of the entire festival. Thank you Secret Garden Party.