I'm rather excited about this evenings impromptu jaunt, once I've completed my interview with LA based Griffin of Present Future Films, I'm going to jump straight on my bicycle and head to Borderline. The venue plays host to master bluesman, antipodean C.W.Stoneking currently touring Europe with his Primitive Horn Orchestra.

The Melbourne based singer songwriter will be pedalling his unique blend of 20s-30s inspired raspy blues. I've had 'The love me or die or repeat' for most of last night/this morning, you can check out the polka infused track below, or you can come and join me at Borderline, fingers crossed the live sound is as good as the studio recording. The guy has been honing his craft since he plucked at his guitar age 11, I think I'm on to a winner. For those West Country folk he's also touring Bristol early September...