Being blessed with not one, but two gays (Chloe and Noah) in the house, a 50/50 split I am delighted to be surrounded by the buzz that comes from LGBT activities. None more so than the Hackney Pride March happening this very Saturday. The March which is on my very doorstep takes place at 2pm, starting at Hackney Town Hall, across the park, all the way to Shoreditch Church. I am unsure as to the route we will be taking, hopefully the one which brings most traffic to a stand still, fairy wings at the ready! The march is open to all and aims to celebrate the freedom to choose your own sexuality whatever your persuasion. The March aims to promote positive inclusion and present a less commercialised version of pride, proof that ideas and homegrown action supersede corporate sponsorship. For those looking for a place to go after you could try this party.

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